So you want to pull the trigger and live in Downtown Bryan?!!!?
We could not be more excited. Seriously. Why the heck would you want to live anywhere else in Bryan-College Station??? DTB rocks! Check out the info below and if there is anything else you need just reach out!
And listen, we want you Downtown even if you don't want to live at Jordan's Lofts (hmmm... what does that link take me to?) or we don't meet your needs - hit us up and we'll point you to some great friends who have other places in Downtown Bryan! If you need more info about Bryan, Downtown Bryan or Texas A&M University we encourage you to check out Destination Bryan's website. They are cool people that aren't trying to take your money - the City of Bryan pays them!

ooooh. i want to live there.

and cook food there!

and, um, take a shower!
Typical Questions we hear.
What's included in the rent?
Really just your rent. Everything else is your responsibility. Based on another similar property we think electric, water, sewer and trash will run you about $125/mo. We obviously can't guarantee that but it's an average of past performance.
The whole place is wired with fiber optics for your internet service and you'll need to contact Metronet for service.
What other fees am i going to have to pay to rent this place?
Application Fee: $50
Background/Credit Check: $30
(we don't charge this but the company that provides the service does)
Ok, but what about monthly fees that your going to tack on?
There's a monthly pest control fee of $3 and a maintenance fee (dog park/common areas) of $10.
We have storage units for rent also. So if you get one of those it's going to add $100 to your bill.
If you use the pet park and you don't clean up --- we're going to charge you 25 bucks each time we pick up behind you. We're serious about this too. We'll be videoing 24/7 out there so please respect others and take care of your fur babies!
How much are my pets going to cost me this time!?
Well, outside of ALL of your love, attention and time - there is a non-refundable pet deposit is $150 per pet with a maximum of 2 pets.
Pet rent. Which is based on your pets FIDO score from our pet screening company. It's a 0-5 scale with
5 to 3 = $25
2 = $35
1 = $50
0 = Not Acceptable
A 0 is if your dog is over the weight limit (75lbs for the 2nd floor & 60lbs for the other floors) OR if your dog is on the FBI's 10 most wanted.
Ok. I can live with Most of this stuff. How do I rent one of these lofts?
Head over to our listings, pick a unit and lease that bad-boy!
Oh - wait - I want to see one first. What do I do?